No existe Datasheet de STK673-112M y necesito el conexionado. (IC Brushless Driver)

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shroom duke • shroom duke • Dec 24, 2017 said...
("-The pins PULSE and DIRECTION are inverted, grounding them will trigger them.
-The ENABLE pin is negated (& inverted), grounding it will disable the output to the stepper motor.
-The HALF-STEP pin is OFF when grounding it (making a classic full-step per PULSE), otherwise leaving it HIGH will do what the pin name says.") but you dont say what pin # they are...

Jože Vovk • Jože Vovk • Oct 16, 2016
Yo, I tested it, it worked, works as it's supposed to. I'll come back soon, right now I'm a bit busy.
Check out the last part of the Description for pins, they are all inverted logic (HIGH/5V = off, LOW/0V = on)