Serial con MSP430

Que tal, solicitando su ayuda para el manejo del serial con el MSP430. Espero que alguien de alguna idea, ya que de eso no tengo ni idea de como hacerlo.
aqui encontre un libro completo del msp430

Nota del Moderador: Sorry, Libro con CopyRight

este codigo es a 9600

//  MSP-FET430P140 Demo - USART0, UART 9600 Echo ISR, HF XTAL ACLK    
//  Description: Echo a received character, RX ISR used. Normal mode is LPM0,    
//  USART0 RX interrupt triggers TX Echo. Though not required, MCLK = LFXT1    
//  ACLK = MCLK = UCLK0 = LFXT1 = 3.58MHz    
//  Baud rate divider with 3.58Mhz XTAL @9600 = 3.58MHz/9600 = 372 (0174h)    
//  //* An external 3.58Mhz XTAL on XIN XOUT is required for ACLK *//       
//                MSP430F149    
//             -----------------    
//         /|\|              XIN|-    
//          | |                 | 3.58MHz    
//          --|RST          XOUT|-    
//            |                 |    
//            |             P3.4|------------>    
//            |                 | 9600 - 8N1    
//            |             P3.5|<------------    
//  M. Buccini    
//  Texas Instruments Inc.    
//  Feb 2005    
//  Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.21A    
#include  <msp430x14x.h>    
void main(void)   
  volatile unsigned int i;   
  WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                 // Stop WDT    
  P3SEL |= 0x30;                            // P3.4,5 = USART0 TXD/RXD    
  BCSCTL1 |= XTS;                           // ACLK = LFXT1 = HF XTAL    
  IFG1 &= ~OFIFG;                           // Clear OSCFault flag    
  for (i = 0xFF; i > 0; i--);               // Time for flag to set    
  while ((IFG1 & OFIFG));                   // OSCFault flag still set?    
  BCSCTL2 |= SELM_3;                        // MCLK = LFXT1 (safe)    
  ME1 |= UTXE0 + URXE0;                     // Enable USART0 TXD/RXD    
  UCTL0 |= CHAR;                            // 8-bit character    
  UTCTL0 |= SSEL0;                          // UCLK = ACLK    
  UBR00 = 0x74;                             // 3.58Mhz/9600 - 372    
  UBR10 = 0x01;                             //    
  UMCTL0 = 0x00;                            // no modulation    
  UCTL0 &= ~SWRST;                          // Initialize USART state machine    
  IE1 |= URXIE0;                            // Enable USART0 RX interrupt    
  _BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE);                 // Enter LPM0 w/ interrupt    
#pragma vector=UART0RX_VECTOR    
__interrupt void usart0_rx (void)   
  while (!(IFG1 & UTXIFG0));                // USART0 TX buffer ready?    
  TXBUF0 = RXBUF0;                          // RXBUF0 to TXBUF0    

este es otro a 9600

//  MSP-FET430P140 Demo - USART0, Ultra-Low Pwr UART 9600 Echo ISR, 32kHz ACLK    
//  Description: Echo a received character, RX ISR used. In the Mainloop UART0    
//  is made ready to receive one character with interrupt active. The Mainloop    
//  waits in LPM3. The UART0 ISR forces the Mainloop to exit LPM3 after    
//  receiving one character which echo's back the received character.    
//  ACLK = UCLK0 = LFXT1 = 32768, MCLK = SMCLK = DCO~ 800k    
//  Baud rate divider with 32768hz XTAL @9600 = 32768Hz/9600 = 3.41 (0003h 4Ah )    
//  //* An external watch crystal is required on XIN XOUT for ACLK *//      
//                MSP430F149    
//            -----------------    
//        /|\|              XIN|-    
//         | |                 | 32kHz    
//         --|RST          XOUT|-    
//           |                 |    
//           |             P3.4|----------->    
//           |                 | 9600 - 8N1    
//           |             P3.5|<-----------    
//  M. Buccini    
//  Texas Instruments Inc.    
//  Feb 2005    
//  Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.21A    
#include  <msp430x14x.h>    
void main(void)   
  WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                 // Stop WDT    
  P3SEL |= 0x30;                            // P3.4,5 = USART0 TXD/RXD    
  ME1 |= UTXE0 + URXE0;                     // Enable USART0 TXD/RXD    
  UCTL0 |= CHAR;                            // 8-bit character    
  UTCTL0 |= SSEL0;                          // UCLK = ACLK    
  UBR00 = 0x03;                             // 32k/9600 - 3.41    
  UBR10 = 0x00;                             //    
  UMCTL0 = 0x4A;                            // Modulation    
  UCTL0 &= ~SWRST;                          // Initialize USART state machine    
  IE1 |= URXIE0;                            // Enable USART0 RX interrupt    
// Mainloop    
  for (;;)   
  _BIS_SR(LPM3_bits + GIE);                 // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt    
  while (!(IFG1 & UTXIFG0));                // USART0 TX buffer ready?    
  TXBUF0 = RXBUF0;                          // RXBUF0 to TXBUF0    
// UART0 RX ISR will for exit from LPM3 in Mainloop    
#pragma vector=UART0RX_VECTOR    
__interrupt void usart0_rx (void)   
  _BIC_SR_IRQ(LPM3_bits);                   // Clear LPM3 bits from 0(SR)    

este es a 19200

//  MSP-FET430P140 Demo - USART0, UART 19200 Echo ISR, HF XTAL ACLK    
//  Description: Echo a received character, RX ISR used. Normal mode is LPM0,    
//  USART0 RX interrupt triggers TX Echo. Though not required, MCLK = LFXT1.    
//  ACLK = MCLK = UCLK0 = 3.58MHz    
//  Baud rate divider with 3.58Mhz XTAL @19200 = 3.58MHz/19200 = 186 (00BAh)    
//  //* An external 3.58Mhz XTAL on XIN XOUT is required for ACLK *//    
//                MSP430F149    
//             -----------------    
//         /|\|              XIN|-    
//          | |                 | 3.58MHz    
//          --|RST          XOUT|-    
//            |                 |    
//            |             P3.4|------------>    
//            |                 | 19200 - 8N1    
//            |             P3.5|<------------    
//  M. Buccini    
//  Texas Instruments Inc.    
//  Feb 2005    
//  Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.21A    
#include  <msp430x14x.h>    
void main(void)   
  volatile unsigned int i;   
  WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                 // Stop WDT    
  P3SEL |= 0x30;                            // P3.4,5 = USART0 TXD/RXD    
  BCSCTL1 |= XTS;                           // ACLK = LFXT1 = HF XTAL    
  IFG1 &= ~OFIFG;                           // Clear OSCFault flag    
  for (i = 0xFF; i > 0; i--);               // Time for flag to set    
  while ((IFG1 & OFIFG));                   // OSCFault flag still set?    
  BCSCTL2 |= SELM_3;                        // MCLK = LFXT1 (safe)    
  ME1 |= UTXE0 + URXE0;                     // Enable USART0 TXD/RXD    
  UCTL0 |= CHAR;                            // 8-bit character    
  UTCTL0 |= SSEL0;                          // UCLK = ACLK    
  UBR00 = 0xBA;                             // 3.58Mhz 19200 - 186    
  UBR10 = 0x00;                             //    
  UMCTL0 = 0x00;                            // no modulation    
  UCTL0 &= ~SWRST;                          // Initialize USART state machine    
  IE1 |= URXIE0;                            // Enable USART0 RX interrupt    
  _BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE);                 // Enter LPM0 w/ interrupt    
#pragma vector=UART0RX_VECTOR    
__interrupt void usart0_rx (void)   
  while (!(IFG1 & UTXIFG0));                // USART0 TX buffer ready?    
  TXBUF0 = RXBUF0;                          // RXBUF0 to TXBUF0    


checa esta aplicacion en SLAA215

si programas en c aqui hay un documento mas y que esta bueno
Última edición por un moderador:
Pues necesito hacer una aplicacion que se comunique con el protocolo i2c, pero no sé como se configura, que registros se utilizan, etc. Entonces espero que me puedas ayudar.
Última edición por un moderador:
#include  "msp430x41x.h"
;   D413/TMP100 Demo Program - Software Interface TMP100, P1.0 set if
;                              Temp > 86F (30c).
;   I2C communication with a TMP100 in default condition is demonstrated. 
;   If temperature read >= 86F or 30C, P1.0 is set for 5 secs, else reset. 
;   P3.0 supplies power to the TMP100.
;   Only upper 9-bits from TMP100 temperature register used, representing 
;   7F8h = 128c , 800h = -128c. 
;   I2C Ack error checking not implemented. I2C timing assumed with MCLK ~ 1MHz.
;   Display temp and time. (C & F)
;   9-bit TMP Data acquired and used in F calc.
;   S1 press - Enable Temp mode, toggle oC/oF modes
;   S2 press - Enable Clock display
;   Press and Hold S1 Then Press and Hold S2 - TIME set mode: Minutes/Hours count
;   up, release to set. (Pushing S2 with S1 held down will increment minutes.)
;                                       MSP430F413
;                                   -----------------
;                               /|\|              XIN|-  
;                                | |                 | 32kHz
;                                --|RST          XOUT|-
;                                  |                 |
;                                +-|R33              |     -----------------
;                                R |              Sxx|--> | + 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 |
;                                +-|R23              |     -----------------
;                                R |             COM0|-----||||
;                                +-|R13          COM1|------|||
;                                R |             COM2|-------||
;                                +-|R03          COM3|--------|
;                                | |                 |
;               TMP100          \|/|                 |
;               -------            |                 |
;              |    Vcc|<-+P3.0+---|P3.0         P1.3|<--- Temperature mode
;              |       |  |    |   |             P1.4|<--- Time mode
;              |       | 10k  10k  |                 |
;              |       |  |    |   |                 | 
;              |    SDA|<-|----+-->|P2.0         P1.0|---> LED
;              |       |  |        |                 |
;           ---|A0     |  |        |                 |
;           +--|A1     |  |        |                 |
;           +--|Vss SCL|<-+--------|P2.1             |
;          \|/  -------             -----------------     
;            CPU registers used
#define      TIMEOUT  R4
#define      DIGITS   R6
#define      RXTXI2C  R7
#define      ADDRI2C  R8
#define      DATAI2C  R9
#define      BITI2C   R10
;            Definitions for I2C bus
SDA          equ   001h                      ; P2.0 controls SDA line (pull-up)
SCL          equ   002h                      ; P2.1 controls SCL line (pull-up)
TMPADDR      equ   090h                      ; TMP100 Device Code with A0=A1=0
TMPPWR       equ   001h                      ; P3.0 supplies TMP100 V_CC
;            Definitions for Board
LED1         equ   001h                      ; P1.0- LED Output
S1           equ   008h                      ; P1.3- S1 Input
S2           equ   010h                      ; P1.4- S2 Input
;   Z. ALBUS
;   Texas Instruments, Inc
;   April 15, 2003
; word & byte RAM variable definitions
            ORG     0200h
Temp_Alarm  DW      0
Temp_Symb   DW      0
Delay       DW      0
Disp_oF     DB      0
Neg_Sign    DB      0
Time_Out    DB      0
secs        DB      0
mins        DB      0
hrs         DB      0
            ORG     0F000h
RESET       mov.w   #300h,SP                 ; Initialize stackpointer
            call    #Init_Sys                ; Initialize system
            mov.w   #010,TIMEOUT             ; Initialize timeout to 10secs  
            clr.b   &secs                    ; Clear secs and mins
            clr.b   &mins                    ; Clear secs and mins
            mov.b   #0012h,&hrs              ; Set hrs
;*** Default Powerup Mode is oF
            bis.b   #001h,Disp_oF            ; Set F Mode Operation
            mov.w   #0086,&Temp_Alarm        ; Temperature alarm 86 "oF"          
            mov.w   #00A9h,&Temp_Symb        ; Display "F"
            jmp     Disp_430_dAY             ;
;Main loops are between the ^'s. One for Temp(1), Time(2) and "430 dAY"(3) 
Disp_Temp   bis.b   #TMPPWR,P3OUT            ; Power-up TMP100
            mov.b   #005,&Time_Out           ; Time limit for LED "ON" in secs
One_Shot_D  mov.b   #001h,ADDRI2C            ; ADDRI2C = Pointer    
            mov.b   #081h,DATAI2C            ; One-Shot Command            
            call    #Write_I2C               ;
Mainloop_1  bis.w   #LPM3,SR                 ; Enter LPM3
Read_Temp   mov.b   #000h,ADDRI2C            ; ADDRI2C = Pointer       
            call    #Read_I2C                ;
            call    #Calc_Temp               ;           
            call    #Disp_LCD_Temp           ;           
LED_Cntrl   bic.b   #LED1,&P1OUT             ; LED Off
            bit.b   #001h,Neg_Sign           ; Is value negative?
            jnz     RST_Tout                 ; Jump if yes
            cmp.w   &Temp_Alarm,DATAI2C      ;
            jlo     RST_Tout                 ; Again
            cmp.b   #00h,&Time_Out           ;
            jeq     LED_OFF                  ;
            bis.b   #LED1,&P1OUT             ; LED On
            dec.b   &Time_Out                ;
            jmp     One_Shot                 ;
RST_Tout    mov.b   #005,&Time_Out           ; Time limit for LED "ON" in secs        
LED_OFF     bic.b   #LED1,&P1OUT             ; LED Off
One_Shot    mov.b   #001h,ADDRI2C            ; ADDRI2C = Pointer       
            mov.b   #081h,DATAI2C            ; One-Shot Command
            call    #Write_I2C               ;
Main_1_End  jmp     Mainloop_1               ;
Disp_Time   bic.b   #TMPPWR,P3OUT            ; Power-down TMP100
            bic.b   #LED1,&P1OUT             ; LED Off
            bic.b   #10h,&LCDM8              ; Clear "-"
            bic.b   #S1+S2,&P1IE             ; Disable Sx interrupts
Set_Time    bit.b   #S2,&P1IN                ; Test if S2 still pressed
            jnz     disphrsmins              ; Normal mode
            bit.b   #S1,&P1IN                ; Test if S1 is pressed
            jnz     disphrsmins              ; Normal mode
            bis.b   #BIT2+BIT0,&LCDCTL       ; Enable LCD Display
            mov.w   #3000h,&Delay            ; Time set delay, increase to
Again       dec.w   &Delay                   ; slow down the min count up
                                             ; time when setting the clock.
            jnz     Again                    ;
            clrc                             ; Clear carry              
            dadd.b  #1,&mins                 ; Increment mins
            cmp.b   #60h,&mins               ;
            jnz     disphrsmins              ;
            mov.b   #0,&mins                 ; Clear mins
            clrc                             ; Clear carry              
            dadd.b  #1,&hrs                  ; Increment hrs
            cmp.b   #13h,&hrs                ;
            jnz     disphrsmins              ;
            mov.b   #01,&hrs                 ; Roll hrs
Mainloop_2  bis.w   #LPM3,SR                 ; Enter LPM3
disphrsmins                                  ;
            dec.w   TIMEOUT                  ; Decrement Timeout             
            jnz     Continue                 ; Continue if not expired
            bis.b   #LCDON,&LCDCTL           ; Turn ON LCD
Continue    mov.b   &mins,DIGITS             ;
            mov.b   &hrs,R5                  ;
            swpb    R5                       ;
            add.w   R5,DIGITS                ; Time is in Digits
disp        call    #Disp_LCD_Time           ; Display Time on LCD            
            bit.b   #01h,&secs               ; Flash "-" every other second
            jz      CLEAR_L                  ; clear "-"
            bis.b   #08h,&LCDM3              ; To flash "-"
            jmp     Cont                     ;
CLEAR_L     bic.b   #08h,&LCDM3              ; To flash "-"
Cont        bit.b   #S1,&P1IN                ; Test if S1 is pressed
            jz      Set_Time                 ; Normal mode
            clr.b   &P1IFG                   ;
            bis.b   #S1+S2,&P1IE             ;
Main_2_End  jmp     Mainloop_2               ;
Disp_430_dAY   ; Flash "430 dAY" until 1st button press
            mov.b   #03Eh,&LCDM1             ; 
            mov.b   #0BBh,&LCDM2             ; 
            mov.b   #09Eh,&LCDM3             ; 
            mov.b   #000h,&LCDM4             ; 
            mov.b   #0B7h,&LCDM5             ; 
            mov.b   #01Fh,&LCDM6             ; 
            mov.b   #03Ah,&LCDM7             ; 
            mov.b   #000h,&LCDM8             ;
Mainloop_3  bis.w   #LPM3,SR                 ; Enter LPM3
            xor.b   #LCDSON,&LCDCTL          ; Flash the LCD
Main_3_End  jmp     Mainloop_3               ;
Init_Sys;   Subroutine sets up Modules and Control Registers
            mov.w   #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL   ; Stop WDT
SetupFLL2   bis.b   #XCAP18PF,&FLL_CTL0      ;set load capacitance for xtal
SetupLCD    mov.b   #LCDON+LCD4MUX+LCDP0,&LCDCTL       ; STK LCD 4Mux, S0-S16
SetupBT     mov.b   #BTFRFQ1+BTDIV+BTIP2+BTIP1,&BTCTL  ; 1s Int, STK LCD freq 
            mov.b   #0FCh,&P5SEL             ; Common and Rxx all selected
            bis.b   #BTIE,&IE2               ; Enable Basic Timer interrupt      
            clr.b   &LCDM1                   ; Clear the LCD Display
            clr.b   &LCDM2                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM3                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM4                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM5                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM6                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM7                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM8                   ;
SetupPorts  mov.b   #0FFh,&P1DIR             ;set port to outputs
            clr.b   &P1OUT                   ;
            bic.b   #S1+S2,&P1DIR            ;Switches as inputs
            bis.b   #S1+S2,&P1IE             ;IE Switches
            bis.b   #S1+S2,&P1IES            ;Falling Edge
            clr.b   &P1IFG                   ;Clear P1 Ints
            mov.b   #0FFh,&P2DIR             ;set port to outputs
            clr.b   &P2OUT                   ;
            mov.b   #0FFh,&P3DIR             ;set port to outputs
            clr.b   &P3OUT                   ;
            mov.b   #0FFh,&P4DIR             ;set port to outputs
            clr.b   &P4OUT                   ;
            mov.b   #0FFh,&P5DIR             ;set port to outputs
            clr.b   &P5OUT                   ;
            mov.b   #0FFh,&P6DIR             ;set port to outputs
            clr.b   &P6OUT                   ;
            eint                             ;enable interrupts
            ret                              ;
;///////////I2C Subroutines start////////////////////////////////////////////// 
Read_I2C   ; Reads two bytes of data transmitted from slave
;            enter ADDRI2C=00 - FF I2C device address to read
;                  RXTXI2C=x
;                  DATAI2C=x
;            exit  ADDRI2C=x
;                  RXTXI2C=x
;                  DATAI2C=0000 - FFFF I2C device data
            mov.b   #TMPADDR,RXTXI2C         ; Load HW Address
            call    #I2C_Start               ; Send Start, Address and Ack
            mov.b   ADDRI2C,RXTXI2C          ; Load Pointer Address
            call    #I2C_TX                  ; Send Pointer and Ack
            mov.b   #TMPADDR,RXTXI2C         ; Load HW Address
            bis.b   #01h,RXTXI2C             ; Set LSB for "READ"
            call    #I2C_Start               ; Send Start, Address+RD and Ack
            call    #I2C_RX                  ; Read Data and Ack
;***** Used for 2-Byte transfer only *****   ;
            call    #I2C_ACKn                ; Acknowledge Byte Rcv'd
            call    #I2C_RX                  ; Read Data and Ack
            call    #I2C_NACKn               ; NOT Acknowledge Byte Rcv'd
            call    #I2C_Stop                ; Send Stop
            ret                              ; Return from subroutine
Write_I2C;  enter ADDRI2C=00 - FF I2C device address to write to
;                 RXTXI2C=x
;                 DATAI2C=00 - FF I2C device data to write
;           exit  ADDRI2C=x
;                 RXTXI2C=x
;                 DATAI2C=x
            mov.b   #TMPADDR,RXTXI2C         ; Load HW Address
            call    #I2C_Start               ; Send Start, Address and Ack
            mov.b   ADDRI2C,RXTXI2C          ; Load Pointer Address
            call    #I2C_TX                  ; Send Pointer and Ack
            mov.b   DATAI2C,RXTXI2C          ; Load Out-Going Data
            call    #I2C_TX                  ; Send Data and Ack
            call    #I2C_Stop                ; Send Stop
            ret                              ; Return from subroutine
I2C_Start;  enter SDA=1, SCL=x
;           exit  SDA=1, SCL=0
            bic.b   #SCL+SDA,&P2DIR          ; SCL and SDA to input direction
            bic.b   #SCL+SDA,&P2OUT          ; SCL=1, SDA=1
            bis.b   #SDA,&P2DIR              ; SDA=0
            bis.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=0
I2C_TX;     enter SDA=x, SCL=0
;           exit  SDA=1, SCL=0
            mov     #08,BITI2C               ; number of bits to xfer
I2C_TX_Bit  rla.b   RXTXI2C                  ; data bit -> carry
            jc      I2C_TX1                  ; test carry for 1 or 0
I2C_TX0     bis.b   #SDA,&P2DIR              ; SDA=0
            jmp     I2C_TXx                  ; Toggle SCL
I2C_TX1     bic.b   #SDA,&P2DIR              ; SDA=1
I2C_TXx     bic.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=1
            nop                              ; delay
            nop                              ;
            bis.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=0
            dec     BITI2C                   ; all bits read?
            jnz     I2C_TX_Bit               ; continue until 8 bits are sent
            bic.b   #SDA,&P2DIR              ; SDA=1
TX_Ackn     bic.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=1
            nop                              ; delay
            nop                              ;
            bis.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=0
            ret                              ; Return from subroutine
I2C_RX  ;   enter SDA=1, SCL=0
;           exit  SDA=x, SCL=0
            mov.b   #08,BITI2C               ; number of bits to rcv
I2C_RX_Bit  bic.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=1
            bit.b   #SDA,&P2IN               ; SDA bit -> carry
            rlc.w   DATAI2C                  ; Shift new bit into DATAI2C
            bis.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=0
            dec     BITI2C                   ; all bits read?
            jnz     I2C_RX_Bit               ; continue until 8 bits are read
            ret                              ; Return from subroutine
I2C_ACKn;   enter SDA=x, SCL=0
;           exit  SDA=0, SCL=0
            bis.b   #SDA,&P2DIR              ; SDA=0, Ack
            bic.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=1
            bis.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=0
            bic.b   #SDA,&P2DIR              ; SDA=1
Ackn_End    ret                              ; Return from subroutine
I2C_NACKn;  enter SDA=x, SCL=0
;           exit  SDA=1, SCL=0
            bic.b   #SDA,&P2DIR              ; SDA=1, NOT Ack
            bic.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=1
            bis.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL=0
NAckn_End   ret                              ; Return from subroutine
I2C_Stop;   enter SDA=x, SCL=0
;           exit  SDA=1, SCL=1
            bis.b   #SDA,&P2DIR              ; SDA = 0
            bic.b   #SCL,&P2DIR              ; SCL = 1
            bic.b   #SDA,&P2DIR              ; SDA = 1
I2C_End     ret                              ; Return from subroutine
;///////////I2C Subroutines stop///////////////////////////////////////////////

Calc_Temp  ;Subroutine handles MSB decoding for negative temp and oF conversion
           ;CPU Registers used R15, R14, R13; R13 saved for display
            bic.b   #001h,Neg_Sign           ; Clear Neg Sign
            bit.b   #001h,Disp_oF            ; Test if oF mode set
            jnz     Calc_F                   ; Display in oC
Calc_C      swpb    DATAI2C                  ;
            and.w   #000FFh,DATAI2C          ;
            bit.b   #080h,DATAI2C            ; test for negative
            jz      Calc_End                 ; Jump if number is positive   
            bis.b   #001h,Neg_Sign           ; Diplay Neg sign
            inv.b   DATAI2C                  ;
            inc.b   DATAI2C                  ;
            jmp     Calc_End                 ; Display in oC
Calc_F      bit.w   #8000h,DATAI2C           ; test for negative
            jz      Calc_F1                  ; Jump if number is positive
            bis.b   #001h,Neg_Sign           ; Display Neg Sign
            inv.w   DATAI2C                  ;
            inc.w   DATAI2C                  ;
Calc_F1     clrc                             ;
MULT_by_18  rrc.w   DATAI2C                  ;
            rrc.w   DATAI2C                  ;
            rrc.w   DATAI2C                  ;
            rrc.w   DATAI2C                  ;
            mov.w   DATAI2C,R15              ; R15 = DATAI2C*16
            rrc.w   DATAI2C                  ;
            rrc.w   DATAI2C                  ;
            rrc.w   DATAI2C                  ; DATAI2C right justified
            add.w   DATAI2C,R15              ; R15 = DATAI2C*18
DIV_by_5    clr.w   R13                      ; Clear Remainder
            mov.w   R15,R12                  ; Dividend
            mov.w   #005,R11                 ; Divisor
            clr.w   R14                      ; Result
            mov.w   #17,R10                  ; Initialize Loop Counter
DIV1        cmp.w   R11,R13                  ;
            jlo     DIV2                     ;
            sub.w   R11,R13                  ;
DIV2        rlc.w   R14                      ;
            jc      DIV3                     ; Error: result > 16 bits
            dec.w   R10                      ; Decrement loop counter
            jz      DIV3                     ; Is 0: terminate w/o err
            rla.w   R12                      ;
            rlc.w   R13                      ;
            jnc     DIV1                     ;
            sub.w   R11,R13                  ;
            setc                             ;
            jmp     DIV2                     ;
DIV3        rra.w   R14                      ; Result = XXX.Y: Rotate out Y
Calc_0      bit.b   #001h,Neg_Sign           ; Test Neg Sign
            jz      Calc_2                   ;
            cmp.w   #020h,R14                ;
            jlo     Calc_1                   ;
            sub.w   #032,R14                 ; R14 <= (-)32
            mov.w   R14,DATAI2C              ;
            ret                              ;
Calc_1      bic.b   #001,Neg_Sign            ;
            mov.w   #032,R15                 ;
            sub.w   R14,R15                  ; 0 > R14 > (-)32
            mov.w   R15,DATAI2C              ;
            ret                              ;
Calc_2      add.w   #032,R14                 ; R14 > 0
            mov.w   R14,DATAI2C              ;
Calc_End    ret                              ;
Disp_LCD_Temp ; Subroutine to Display "F" and Temperature (R15) value on LCD
;           Input:  R15, R12 -- R13 is a working register   
;           Output: LCD display  
            mov.b   #000h,&LCDM5             ; Clear 5th Digit for temp
            mov.w   DATAI2C,DIGITS           ;
            call    #Bin2Bcd                 ;
            mov     DIGITS,R15               ;
            mov.b   &Temp_Symb,&LCDM1        ; "F" or "C" to display
            xor.b   #02Bh,&LCDM2             ; "o" blinked on display
            mov.w   R15,R12                  ; Copy BCD number to R12
            rra.w   R15                      ; Rotate a nibble (digit)
            rra.w   R15		             ;
            rra.w   R15		             ;
            rra.w   R15	                     ;
            and.w   #0Fh,R12                 ; Expose single digit
            and.w   #0Fh,R15                 ; Expose single digit
            mov.b   LCD_Tab(R12),&LCDM3      ; Move digit to LCD display RAM 
            mov.b   LCD_Tab(R15),&LCDM4      ; Move digit to LCD display RAM
            bit.b   #001h,Neg_Sign           ; Display Neg Sign?
            jz      Disp_Pos                 ; Jump if No
            bis.b   #08h,&LCDM5              ; "-" segment active
            jmp     Disp_1xx                 ;
Disp_Pos    bic.b   #08h,&LCDM5              ; "-" segment inactive
Disp_1xx    bit.w   #000100h,R13             ; Data >99?
            jnc     Disp_Ret                 ;
            bis.b   #012h,&LCDM5             ; 100's digit active
            ret                              ;
Disp_Ret    bic.b   #012h,&LCDM5             ; 100's digit inactive 
            ret                              ;
Disp_LCD_Time ; Subroutine to Display "xx-xx" formatted time (R15) value on LCD
;           Input:  R15, R12 -- R13 is a working register   
;           Output: LCD display  
            mov.w   DIGITS,R15               ; Get 2 LSD's
            mov.w   R15,R12                  ; Copy BCD number to R12
            rra.w   R15                      ; Rotate a nibble (digit)
            rra.w   R15		             ;
            rra.w   R15		             ;
            rra.w   R15	                     ;
            and.w   #0Fh,R12                 ; Expose single digit
            and.w   #0Fh,R15                 ; Expose single digit
            mov.b   LCD_Tab(R12),&LCDM1      ; Move digit to LCD display RAM 
            mov.b   LCD_Tab(R15),&LCDM2      ; Move digit to LCD display RAM 
            mov.b   #008h,&LCDM3             ; Move "-" to separate hrs-mins
            swpb    DIGITS                   ; Get 2 MSD's
            mov.w   DIGITS,R15               ;
            mov.w   R15,R12                  ; Copy BCD number to R12
            rra.w   R15                      ; Rotate a nibble (digit)
            rra.w   R15		             ;
            rra.w   R15		             ;
            rra.w   R15	                     ;
            and.w   #0Fh,R12                 ; Expose single digit
            and.w   #0Fh,R15                 ; Expose single digit
            mov.b   LCD_Tab(R12),&LCDM4      ; Move digit to LCD display RAM 
            mov.b   LCD_Tab(R15),&LCDM5      ; Move digit to LCD display RAM 
            ret                              ;
Bin2Bcd;     Subroutine for converting 16-bit binary to BCD
       ;     Input DIGIT 16-bit binary, output DIGIT 16-bit BCD
             mov #16,r15                     ;
             clr r14                         ;
             clr r13                         ;
L$1          rla DIGITS                      ;
             dadd r13,r13                    ;
             dadd r14,r14                    ;
             dec r15                         ;
             jnz L$1                         ;
             mov r13,DIGITS                  ;
             ret                             ;                              
BT_ISR;     Exit any LPMx Mode
            clrc                             ;
            dadd.b  #001h,&secs              ;
            cmp.b   #60h,&secs               ;
            jnz     done                     ;
            mov.b   #0,&secs                 ; Clear secs
            dadd.b  #0,&mins                 ;                   
            cmp.b   #60h,&mins               ;
            jnz     done                     ;
            mov.b   #0,&mins                 ; Clear mins
            dadd.b  #0,&hrs                  ;                  
            cmp.b   #13h,&hrs                ;
            jnz     done                     ;
            mov.b   #01,&hrs                 ; Roll hrs     
done        mov.w   #GIE,0(SP)               ; Exit LPMx, interrupts enabled
            reti                             ;		 
P1_ISR;     Exit any LPMx Mode
            mov.w   #GIE,0(SP)               ; Exit LPMx, interrupts enabled
Test_S1     push    #02500                   ; Debounce Delay to TOS (2.5ms)
DL1         dec     0(SP)                    ; Decrement TOS
            jnz     DL1                      ; Delay over?
            incd    SP                       ; Clean TOS
            clr.b   &P1IFG                   ; Clear P1IFG to clean up
            bit.b   #S1,&P1IN                ; Test if S1 pressed
            jnz     CheckS2                  ; If not jump to CheckS2
            bis.b   #S1,&P1IFG               ; Force S1 IFG set [switch stable] 
            jmp     Testbuttons              ; Test S1 or S2
CheckS2     bit.b   #S2,&P1IN                ; Test if S2 pressed
            jz      Testbuttons              ;           
            reti                             ; Exit : switches faulty or not 
                                             ; pressed long enough                                
Testbuttons bit.b   #S1,&P1IFG               ; S1 Pin Toggled?
            jz      Test_S2                  ; If not jump to Test_S2 
            bit.b   #S2,&P1IN                ; S2 Pin Toggled as well?            
            jz      Test_S2                  ; If so jump to Test_S2          
            bis.b   #LCDON+LCDSON,&LCDCTL    ; Enable LCD Display
            bit.b   #001h,Disp_oF            ; In oF Mode?
            jz      C_to_F                   ;
F_to_C      bic.b   #001h,Disp_oF            ; Set oC Mode Operation
            mov.w   #0030,&Temp_Alarm        ; Temperature alarm 30"oC"          
            mov.w   #00A5h,&Temp_Symb        ; Display "C"
            jmp     Exit_1                   ;
C_to_F      bis.b   #001h,Disp_oF            ; Set F Mode Operation
            mov.w   #0086,&Temp_Alarm        ; Temperature alarm 86"oF"          
            mov.w   #00A9h,&Temp_Symb        ; Display "F"
Exit_1      clr.b   &P1IFG                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM1                   ; Clear the LCD Display
            clr.b   &LCDM2                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM3                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM4                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM5                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM6                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM7                   ;
            mov.w   #Disp_Temp,2(SP)         ; Entry on exit
            reti                             ;
Test_S2     ;S2 Pin Toggled                  ;
            mov.w   #05,TIMEOUT              ; Initialize timeout to 5secs
            bis.b   #LCDSON,&LCDCTL          ; Enable LCD Display
            clr.b   &LCDM6                   ;
            clr.b   &LCDM7                   ;
            xor.b   #LCDON,&LCDCTL           ; Toggle LCDM0: (Dis/En)able LCD
Exit_2      bic.b   #S1+S2,&P1IE             ; Disable P1 Ints
            mov.w   #Disp_Time,2(SP)         ; Enter Time mode on exit          
Exit_P1_ISR reti                             ;
;           MSP-STK/EVK LCD Definitions
            ORG     0FE00h
LCD_Tab     DB      0B7h                     ; displays "0"
            DB      012h                     ; displays "1"
            DB      08Fh                     ; displays "2"
            DB      01Fh                     ; displays "3"
            DB      03Ah                     ; displays "4"
            DB      03Dh                     ; displays "5"
            DB      0BDh                     ; displays "6"
            DB      013h                     ; displays "7"
            DB      0BFh                     ; displays "8"
            DB      03Fh                     ; displays "9"       
;           Interrupt Vectors Used MSP430F413         
            ORG     0FFFEh                   ; MSP430 RESET Vector
            DW      RESET                    ;   
            ORG     0FFE8h                   ; Port1 Interrupt Vector
            DW      P1_ISR                   ;
            ORG     0FFE0h                   ; BT Vector
            DW      BT_ISR                   ;
            END                              ;

espero que sea lo que estas buscando
Última edición por un moderador:
Hola, miren tengo este codigo para el microcontrolador MSP430F149, es un eco-recuest por serial rs232 pero no me responde... pueden revisar mi codigo y decirme que podria estar mal.

#include  <msp430x14x.h>

void main(void)
  WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                 // Stop WDT
  P3SEL |= 0x30;                            // P3.4,5 = USART0 TXD/RXD
  ME1 |= UTXE0 + URXE0;                     // Enable USART0 TXD/RXD
  UCTL0 |= CHAR+SYNC;                            // 8-bit caracter
  UTCTL0 |= 0x10;                           // UCLK = ACLK
  TACTL |= ID1 + ID0 + TASSEL0;
  UBR00 = 0x6D;                             // 1Mhz/9600 - 104.16
  UBR10 = 0x00;                             //
  UMCTL0 = 0x4A;                            // Modulation
  UCTL0 &= ~SWRST;                          // Initialize USART state machine
  IE1 |= URXIE0;                            // Enable USART0 RX interrupt

  _BIS_SR(LPM3_bits + GIE);                 // Enter LPM3 w/ interrupt

#pragma vector=USART0RX_VECTOR
__interrupt void usart0_rx (void)
  while (!(IFG1 & UTXIFG0));                // USART0 TX buffer ready?
  TXBUF0 = RXBUF0;                          // RXBUF0 to TXBUF0
Última edición por un moderador: